Pearce Hamilton
- Basic Information -
Time in Larsen Lab: 2019-2020
Worked on a variety of projects including using our Atomic Force Microscope to help characterize the surface roughness of treated Micas for ice nucleation studies, studied the relationships between freezing experiments and the resulting estimates of ice nucleation rate and uncertainties, and did some work on analyzing disdrometric data.
- Dissemination Based on work in Larsen Lab -
- Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers -
N.N. Lata, J. Zhou, P. Hamilton, M.L. Larsen, S. Sarupria, and W. Cantrell. Multivalent Surface Cations Enhance Heterogeneous Freezing of Water on Muscovite Mica.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2020, 11, 8682--8689. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02121
- Professional Conference Presentations -
J. Zhou, N. Lata, P. Hamilton, M.L. Larsen, W. Cantrell, and S. Sarupria. Effect of Multivalent Surface Cations on Heterogeneous Freezing of Water. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. November 15-20.
- Student Research Presentations -
P. Hamilton, N. Lata, W. Cantrell, and M.L. Larsen (2019). Atomic force microscopy of treated mica surfaces. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 19, 2019.
A. Long, P. Hamilton, C. Blouin, H. Powell, G. Connors, M. Brandon, and M.L. Larsen (2019). Development of calibration methods for single drop rain sensors. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 19, 2019.
P. Hamilton and M.L. Larsen (2020).
Uncertainty of Heterogeneous Freezing Rate of Water on Muscovite Mica. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston.
- Awards won while working in Larsen Lab -
Received a College of Charleston Summer Undergraduate Research with Faculty (SURF) Award for Summer of 2020.
Received a summer funding award from the Department of Physics and Astronomy for Summer of 2019.