Kyle Smydra
- Basic Information -
Time in Larsen Lab: 2008-2010
Basic Project Description: Kyle worked on two very different projects: (1) acoustical methods of detecing raindrops one drop at a time, and (2) effects of ethanol on small engine wear.
- Dissemination Based on work in Larsen Lab -
- Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers -
- Professional Conference Presentations -
- Student Research Presentations -
K. Smydra and M.L. Larsen (2010). Ethanol and its relationship to accelerated wear and efficience in SNRE's. UNK 12th Annual Student Research Day. April 8, 2010.
K. Smydra and M.L. Larsen (2010). Development of an acoustical raindrop disdrometer. UNK 12th Annual Student Research Day. April 8, 2010.
K. Smydra and M.L. Larsen (2010). Ethanol and its relationship to accelerated wear and efficience in SNRE's. 24th National Conference on Undergraduate Research. University of Montana. Missoula, MT. April 15-17, 2010.
K. Smydra and M.L. Larsen (2010). Development of an acoustical raindrop disdrometer. 120th Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences. Nebraska Wesleyan University. April 23, 2010.
- Awards won while working in Larsen Lab -
2009 UNK Summer Student Research Program Participant (SSRP)
2009-2010 NASA Space Grant Student Researcher
2009-2010 UNK Undergraduate Research Fellow
2010 NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Student Fellowship