Joshua Teves
- Basic Information -
Time in Larsen Lab: 2012-2016
Basic Project Description: Studied an extremely wide range of topics. Worked on developing a computational pipeline for processing laser precipitation monitor data, data-acquisition and processing for a site-specific Z-R relationship, scaling relationships in rain data, competing definitions of rain event, helped to construct and maintain the Dixie disdrometer array, computational studies of radiative transmission through correlated random media, and worked on a variety of other tasks over the years.
- Dissemination Based on work in Larsen Lab -
- Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers -
M.L. Larsen, T.B. Hayward, and J.B. Teves (2015).
Scaling properties of raindrop size distributions as measured by a dense array of optical disdrometers. Journal of Hydrology, 521, 424--432. doi: 10.106/j.jhydrol.2014.12.016
M.L. Larsen and J.B. Teves (2015).
Identifying individual rain events with a dense disdrometer network. Advances in Meteorology, 2015, Article ID: 582782. doi: 10.1155/2015/582782
- Professional Conference Presentations -
M.L. Larsen, J.C. Harris, R. Lemasters, K. O'Dell, and J.B. Teves (2013). Development of a site to investigate rainfall accumulation and drop size distribution variability on small spatio-temporal scales. 38th Annual Meeting of the National Weather Association. North Charleston, SC. October 12-17, 2013.
A.S. Clark, M.L. Larsen, and J.B. Teves (2014). Parameters governing deviations from the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law for direct transmission. 14th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation. Boston, MA. July 7-11, 2014.
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2014). Self-consistency in rain event definitions. 2014 Fall AGU Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 15-19, 2014.
M.L. Larsen, R. Lemasters, K. O'Dell, and J.B. Teves (2016). Development of a new theoretical framework for the analysis of disdrometer data. 17th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation. Manchester, UK. 25-29 July, 2016.
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2016). Statistical assessment of rainfall properties over varying scales. 17th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation. Manchester, UK. 25-29 July, 2016.
- Student Research Presentations -
J.C. Harris, K. O'Dell, J.B. Teves, and M.L. Larsen (2013). Radar-inferred rain accumulation variability. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston, August 19, 2013
J.C. Harris, K. O'Dell, J.B. Teves, and M.L. Larsen (2013). Investigation of radar-inferred rain accumulation variability. 38th Annual Meeting of the National Weather Association. North Charleston, SC. October 12-17, 2013
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2014). Developing an automated processing pipeline for proprietary rain measurement equipment. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Trident Technical College, April 5, 2014
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2014). Developing an automated processing pipeline for proprietary rain measurement equipment. 26th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 17, 2014
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2014). Identification of rain events: Why definitions matter. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 18, 2014
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2015). Using an accumulation contribution fraction to investigate rainfall. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Furman University. April 11, 2015
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2015). Using an accumulation contribution fraction to investigate rainfall. 27th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 16, 2015
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2015). Calibration strategies for a tipping bucket rain gauge. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston, August 24, 2015
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2016). Single-instrument observations of temporo-spatial variability in rainfall. NCUR 30th Annual Conference. University of South Carolina at Asheville. April 7-9, 2016
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2016). Using two-dimensional video disdrometer samples to determine spatial relationships in rainfall. 28th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 14, 2016
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2016). Raindrop statistics on sub-minute and sub-kilometer scales. College of Charleston Physics and Astronomy Department Research Award Nominee Talks. April 21, 2016
- Awards won while working in Larsen Lab -
2014 College of Charleston Research Presentation Grant
2014-2015 Horatio Hughes Academic Year Award
2015-2016 Horatio Hughes Academic Year Award
2015-2016 NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Student Fellowship
2016 Winner of Best Physics Poster at the 28th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session
2016 College of Charleston Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Award (Honorable Mention)