Gavin Connors
- Basic Information -
Time in Larsen Lab: 2018-2019
Basic Project Description: Explored rain-rate dependence on tipping bucket rain gauge accuracy.
- Dissemination Based on work in Larsen Lab -
- Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers -
- Professional Conference Presentations -
G Connors and M.L. Larsen (2019). Quantifying rain rate's influence on tipping bucket rain gauge accuracy. 25th Annual Allen Weber Mini-Technical Conference of the Palmetto Chapter of the American Meteorological Society. Columbia, SC. March 6, 2019.
- Student Research Presentations -
G. Connors and M.L. Larsen. Studies of rain rate's influence on tipping bucket rain gauge accuracy. 31st Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 18, 2019.
G. Connors and M.L. Larsen. Rain rate's influence on tipping bucket rain gauge accuracy. College of Charleston Physics and Astronomy Department Colloquium. April 24, 2019.
A. Long, P. Hamilton, C. Blouin, H. Powell, G. Connors, M. Brandon, and M.L. Larsen. Development of calibration methods for single drop rain sensors. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 19, 2019.
- Awards won while working in Larsen Lab -