Brianna Brunson
- Basic Information -
Time in Larsen Lab: 2020-2022
Early on, Brianna jumped a bit from project to project but her primary work was in adapting the Bayesian Blocks clustering schema to analysis of disdrometer raindrop data.
- Dissemination Based on work in Larsen Lab -
- Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers -
- Professional Conference Presentations -
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2021). An attempt to partition raindrop arrival data in statistically stationary intervals. Internaional Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP 2021). Pune, India. August 2-6, 2021.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2022). An examination of alternate partitioning methods for disdrometer data. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. May 23-27, 2022.
M.L. Larsen and B. Brunson (2022). Alternatives to fixed-time partitioning of disdrometer data. 16th Conference on Cloud Physics, Collective Madison Meeting. Madison, Wisconsin. August 8-12, 2022.
- Student Research Presentations -
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2020).
Subdividing rain drop arrivals into steady intervals. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August, 2020.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2021). Subdividing rain drop arrivals into steady intervals. NCUR 2021 at Home. April 12-14, 2021.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2021).
Detecting potential raindrop clustering with dynamic binning. Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 12, 2021.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2021). Detecting potential raindrop clustering with dynamic binning. College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session "Best of the Best" Presentations. April 22, 2021.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2021). An analysis of rain rate through Bayesian Blocks clutering. Department of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Series. College of Charleston. September 23, 2021.
B. Bruson, B. Kai, and M.L. Larsen (2022). Dynamic partitioning methods for the analysis of raindrop data. Expo 2022. College of Charleston. April 7, 2022.
- Awards won while working in Larsen Lab -
2022 Best MASC Thesis Award
2021 Winner of Best Mathematics Poster at the Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session