Student Presentations (by Year)
(Does Not Include Professional Conference Presentations; only Student-Centered Presentation Venues. See professional conference presentations
2023 (CofC)
L. Boss and M.L. Larsen (2023). Using liquid nitrogen capture methods to assess drop-size-distributions across multiple natural rain events. Expo 2023. College of Charleston. April 13, 2023.
L. Boss and M.L. Larsen (2023). Using liquid nitrogen capture methods to assess drop-size-distributions across multiple natural rain events. College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session "Best of the BEst" Presentations. April 13, 2023.
L. Boss and M.L. Larsen (2023). Using liquid nitrogen capture to analyze drop-size-distributions in natural rain events. Department of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Series. College of Charleston. April 25, 2023.
L. Brunson, L. Boss, G. Hall, and M.L. Larsen (2023). Development of a synthetic raindrop production system. Expo 2023. College of Charleston. April 13, 2023.
C.B. Ussery, S.G. Morrison, and M.L. Larsen (2023). Freezing Temperatures of Microliter Water Droplets. School of Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Celebration of Summer Research, College of Charleston. August 21, 2023.
G. Wohlfarth, M. Rutter, L. Boss, and M.L. Larsen (2023). Characterizing Artifically Generated Raindrops. School of Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Celebration of Summer Research, College of Charleston. August 21, 2023.
2022 (CofC)
L. Boss and M.L. Larsen (2022). Development of a prototype and calibration system to characterize natural rain. School of Science and Mathematics Celebration of Summer Research. College of Charleston. August 22, 2022.
B. Brunson, B. Kai, and M.L. Larsen (2022). Dynamic partitioning methods for the analysis of raindrop data. Expo 2022. College of Charleston. April 7, 2022.
G. Hall, L. Boss, W. Cantrell, and M.L. Larsen (2022). Changes to heterogeneous ice nucleation rate due to changing concentration of diulte salt solutions on an insoluble surface. School of Science and Mathematics Celebration of Summer Research. College of Charleston. August 22, 2022.
G. Hall and M.L. Larsen (2022). Experimentally measured changes to ice nucleation rates of dilute solutions on insoluble surfaces. Expo 2022. College of Charleston. April 7, 2022.
G. Hall and M.L. Larsen (2022). Jhet 2020-2022: A Drops Odyssey. Department of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Series. College of Charleston. December 6, 2022.
W. McLoud and M.L. Larsen (2022). Characterization of volcanic aerosols: Using an AFM and an SEM to identify the surface morphology of ash. 2022 Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. USC Aiken. April 2, 2022.
W. McLoud and M.L. Larsen (2022). Characterization of volcanic aerosols: Using an AFM and an SEM to identify the surface morphology of ash. Expo 2022. College of Charleston. April 7, 2022.
2021 (CofC)
C. Barber and M.L. Larsen (2021). Evaluating vertical variability of rain parameters from an MRR using a 2DVD as a baseline. Department of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Series. College of Charleston. December 2, 2021.
C. Barber and M.L. Larsen (2021).
Reproducing Micro-Rain Radar data using data from Laser Precipitation Monitors. Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 12th, 2021.
C. Blouin and M.L. Larsen (2021).
Light simulations through a numerically generated cloud. Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 12th, 2021.
C. Blouin and M.L. Larsen (2021). Rain instrumentation and aerosols: 4 Years with Dr. Larsen. College of Charleston Physics and Astronomy Department Research Award Nominee Talks. April 20th, 2021.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2021). An analysis of rain rate through Bayesian blocks partitioning. Department of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Series. College of Charleston. September 23, 2021.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2021).
Detecting potential raindrop clustering with dynamic binning. Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 12th, 2021.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2021). Detecting potential raindrop clustering with dynamic binning -- Live Talk. College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session "Best of the Best" Presentations. April 22nd, 2021.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2021). Subdividing rain drop arrivals into steady intervals. NCUR 2021 @Home. April 12-14, 2021.
G. Hall and M.L. Larsen (2021). Experimental studies of droplet freezing on insoluble surfaces. Department of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Series. College of Charleston. September 16, 2021.
2020 (CofC)
T. Anderson and M.L. Larsen (2020).
Inter-comparison of rainfall measurements from 1- and 2-Dimensional Video Disdrometers. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston.
C. Barber and M.L. Larsen (2020).
Preliminary analysis of bulk rain variables acquired from Laser Precipitation Montiros mounted at different heights on a Vertical Tower. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston.
C. Blouin and M.L. Larsen (2020). Algorithms to flag and correct faulty data from a high fidelity rain measurement device. Department of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Series. College of Charleston. September 17, 2020.
C. Blouin and M.L. Larsen (2020).
Properly resolving the effective measurement area in a high-fidelity rain measurement device. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston.
C. Blouin and M.L. Larsen (2020).
Simulations of light transmission through a virtual cloud. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston.
B. Brunson and M.L. Larsen (2020).
Subdividing rain drop arrivals into steady intervals. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston.
P.O. Hamilton and M.L. Larsen (2020).
Uncertainty of Heterogeneous Freezing Rate of Water on Muscovite Mica. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston.
2019 (CofC)
P. LeClerc and M.L. Larsen (2019). Putting citizen source data to the test: Using personal weather station data to detect the presence and magnitude of a sea-breeze. Academic Magnet High School Senior Project Defense. April 10, 2019.
G. Connors and M.L. Larsen (2019). Studies of rain rate's influence on tipping bucket rain gauge accuracy. 31st Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 18, 2019.
G. Connors and M.L. Larsen (2019). Rain rate's influence on tipping bucket rain gauge accuracy. College of Charleston Physics and Astronomy Department Colloquium. April 24, 2019.
C. Blouin and M.L. Larsen (2019). Clustering of laboratory generated glass bead aerosols with an optical particle counter. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 19, 2019.
C. Blouin, A. Long, and M.L. Larsen (2019). An improved processing algorithm for a high resolution rain measurement device. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 19, 2019.
P. Hamilton, N. Lata, W. Cantrell, and M.L. Larsen (2019). Atomic force microscopy of treated mica surfaces. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 19, 2019.
A. Long, P. Hamilton, C. Blouin, H. Powell, G. Connors, M. Brandon, and M.L. Larsen (2019). Development of calibration methods for single drop rain sensors. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 19, 2019.
C. Blouin and M.L. Larsen (2019). Aerosol particle clustering: Making particles and measuring them. Summit of Scholars. College of Charleston. October 26, 2019.
2018 (CofC + MTU [Sabbatical])
M.S. Mullis, M.L. Larsen, and J. Niehaus (2018). Statistical analysis of localized temporal clustering of aerosol particles. 30th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 12, 2018.
2017 (CofC + MTU [Sabbatical])
M.S. Mullis, M.L. Larsen, and J. Niehaus (2017). Time series analysis of co-located micrometeorological variables. 2017 Colonial Academic Alliance Undergraduate Research Conference. Elon University, March 31-April 1, 2017.
M.S. Mullis, M.L. Larsen, and J. Niehaus (2017). Time series analysis of co-located micrometeorological variables. 29th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 20, 2017.
2016 (CofC)
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2016). Reduction of measurement variability in precipitation events with uniform sampling. NCUR 30th Annual Conference. University of North Carolina at Asheville. April 7-9, 2016
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2016). Single-instrument observations of temporo-spatial variability in rainfall. NCUR 30th Annual Conference. University of North Carolina at Asheville. April 7-9, 2016
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2016). Investigation of a new sampling methodology to improve accuracy of Z-R relationships. 28th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 14, 2016
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2016). Using two-dimensional video disdrometer samples to determine spatial relationships in rainfall. 28th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 14, 2016
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2016). Reduction of measurement variability in precipitation events with uniform sampling. College of Charleston Physics and Astronomy Department Research Award Nominee Talks. April 21, 2016
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2016). Raindrop statistics on sub-minute and sub-kilometer scales. College of Charleston Physics and Astronomy Department Research Award Nominee Talks. April 21, 2016
K. Burriss, L. Passarella, and M.L. Larsen (2016). Development of an aerosol particle timing system. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 22, 2016.
2015 (CofC)
R. Lemasters and M.L. Larsen (2015). Exploring raindrop arrival time correlations via a drop size dependent pair-correlation function. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Furman University. April 11, 2015.
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2015). Exploration of non-terminal drop velocity on size determination in impact disdrometers. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Sciences. Furman University, April 11, 2015
A. Payne and M.L. Larsen (2015). Diurnal evolution of the statistical structure of near surface wind. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Sciences. Furman University, April 11, 2015
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2015). Using an accumulation contribution fraction to investigate rainfall. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Furman University. April 11, 2015
D. Tuck and M.L. Larsen (2015). Design and testing of a raindrop velocimeter. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Sciences. Furman University, April 11, 2015
R. Lemasters and M.L. Larsen (2015). Exploring raindrop arrival time correlations via a drop size-dependent pair-correlation function. 27th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 16, 2015.
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2015). Erroneous drop sizing in impact disdrometers: Possible effects of Z-R relationships. 27th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 16, 2015
A. Payne and M.L. Larsen (2015). Diurnal evolution of the statistical structure of near surface wind. 27th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 16, 2015
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2015). Using an accumulation contribution fraction to investigate rainfall. 27th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 16, 2015
D. Tuck and M.L. Larsen (2015). Design and testing of a raindrop velocimeter. 27th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 16, 2015
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2015). A study of realistic sampling variability effects on precipitation measurements. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston, August 24, 2015
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2015). Calibration strategies for a tipping bucket rain gauge. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston, August 24, 2015
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2015). Sampling variability as it influences rain moment estimators. Department of Physics and Astronomy Departmental Colloquium. College of Charleston. September 17, 2015
2014 (CofC)
J.C. Harris and M.L. Larsen (2014). Exploration of links between radar and automated weather station data. Annual meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Trident Technical College, April 5, 2014.
T.B. Hayward and M.L. Larsen (2014). Exploration of fractal tools to characterize statistical systems. Annual meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Trident Technical College. April 5th, 2014.
C. Jenks (2014). Statistical analysis of rain arrival times. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Trident Technical College, April 5, 2014.
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2014). Development of a Z-R relationship for a local automated weather station. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Trident Technical College, April 5, 2014
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2014). Developing an automated processing pipeline for proprietary rain measurement equipment. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Trident Technical College, April 5, 2014
J.C. Harris and M.L. Larsen (2014). Exploration of links between radar and automated weather station data. 26th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 17, 2014
T.B. Hayward and M.L. Larsen (2014). Exploration of fractal tools to characterize statistical systems. 26th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 17, 2014.
C. Jenks (2014). Statistical analysis of rain arrival times. 26th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 17, 2014.
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2014). Using automated weather station to validate an existing site-specific Z-R relationship. 26th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 17, 2014
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2014). Developing an automated processing pipeline for proprietary rain measurement equipment. 26th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 17, 2014
R. Lemasters and M.L. Larsen (2014). Investigating possible fractal behavior in raindrop arrivals. 2014 Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 18, 2014.
J.B. Teves and M.L. Larsen (2014). Identification of rain events: Why definitions matter. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 18, 2014
2013 (CofC)
T. Barrett (2013). Infinitesimally small radar heat signatures and greater Las Vegas. Winter day conference of the American Scientific Affiliation. Azusa Pacific University, January 12, 2013.
M. Chute and M.L. Larsen (2013). Aerosol concentration fluctuations. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. Benedict College, April 13th, 2013.
M. Chute and M.L. Larsen (2013). Aerosol concentration fluctuations. 25th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 18th, 2013.
J.C. Harris, K. O'Dell, J.B. Teves, and M.L. Larsen (2013). Investigation of Radar-inferred rain accumulation variability. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston, August 19, 2013
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2013). Establishing a site-specific Z-R relationship for Dixie Plantation. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston, August 19, 2013
K. O'Dell and M.L. Larsen (2013). Developing and evaluating a site-specific Z-R relationship. College of Charleston Physics Department Colloquium. October 3, 2013
J.C. Harris, K. O'Dell, J.B. Teves, and M.L. Larsen (2013). Investigation of Radar-inferred rain accumulation variability. 38th Annual Meeting of the National Weather Association. North Charleston, South Carolina. October 12-17, 2013
2012 (CofC)
P. Boehner and M.L. Larsen (2012). Simulations of radiative transfer in strictly absorbing atmospheric media. Annual meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. University of South Carolina-Aiken. April 14, 2012.
C. Briner and M.L. Larsen (2012). Applications of computational stochastic geometry to the determination of cloud structure. Annual meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. University of South Carolina-Aiken. April 14, 2012.
P. Boehner and M.L. Larsen (2012). Simulations of radiative transfer in strictly absorbing atmospheric media. 24th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 19, 2012
C. Briner and M.L. Larsen (2012). Applications of computational stochastic geometry to the determination of cloud structure. 24th Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 19, 2012.
2011 (CofC)
P. Boehner and M.L. Larsen (2011). Absorption and scattering in correlated random media. Annual meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. South Carolina State University. April 16, 2011
P. Boehner and M.L. Larsen (2011). Absorption and scattering in correlated random media. 23rd Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 21, 2011
J. Niehaus and M.L. Larsen (2011). Models of inhalation dosage. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Sciences. South Carolina State University. April 16, 2011.
C. Smith and M.L. Larsen (2011). Benchmarking commercial disdrometers to aid in characterizing natural rainfall variability. Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Science. South Carolina State University. April 16, 2011
C. Smith and M.L. Larsen (2011). Benchmarking commercial disdrometers to aid in characterizing natural rainfall variability. 23rd Annual College of Charleston Scientific Research Poster Session. April 21, 2011
E. Deck and D. Ruwadi (2011). Using cloud cover as an indicator of regional climate change. 2011 NASA GIST-Climate Change Symposium. College of Charleston. August 20th, 2011.
P. Boehner and M.L. Larsen (2011). Absorption and scattering in correlated random media. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 22, 2011
P. Boehner and M.L. Larsen (2011). Absorption and scattering in correlated random media. Fall joint meeting of the NCS-AAPT, SACS-AAPT, and the SPS. UNC-Asheville, November 18-19, 2011
2010 (UNK/CofC)
J. Beck, M.L. Larsen, and A. Clark (2010). Direct Imaging of Raindrop Impacts. UNK 12th Annual Student Research Day Oral Presentation. April 8, 2010.
D. Hayes, A. Clark, and M.L. Larsen (2010). Simulation of radiative transfer through clustered computing. 12th Annual Student Research Day. University of Nebraska at Kearney. April 8, 2010.
B. Fullerton, M.L. Larsen, and A. Clark (2010). Filter paper based disdrometer. 12th Annual Student Research Day. University of Nebraska at Kearney. April 8, 2010.
K. Smydra and M.L. Larsen (2010). Ethanol and its relationship to accelerated wear and efficience in SNRE's. UNK 12th Annual Student Research Day. April 8, 2010.
K. Smydra and M.L. Larsen (2010). Development of an acoustical raindrop disdrometer. UNK 12th Annual Student Research Day. April 8, 2010.
M. Noffke and M.L. Larsen (2010). Polar plot mapping of localized wind data. UNK 12th Annual Student Research Day. April 8, 2010.
D. Policarpio and M.L. Larsen (2010). Characterizing various conductive fabrics. 12th Annual Student Research Day. University of Nebraska at Kearney. April 8, 2010.
G. Saltzgaber and M.L. Larsen (2010). Wavelet inspired analysis of discrete atmospheric data. UNK 12th Annual Student Research Day. April 8, 2010.
J. Stromer, M.L. Larsen, and L. Kreminska (2010). The polarizing efficiency of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals. UNK 12th Annual Student Research Day. April 8, 2010.
B. Fullerton, M.L. Larsen, and A. Clark (2010). Filter paper based disdrometer. 24th National Conference on Undergraduate Research. University of Montana. Missoula, MT. April 15-17, 2010.
K. Smydra and M.L. Larsen (2010). Ethanol and its relationship to accelerated wear and efficience in SNRE's. 24th National Conference on Undergraduate Research. University of Montana. Missoula, MT. April 15-17, 2010.
J. Stromer, M.L. Larsen, and L. Kreminska (2010). The polarizing efficiency of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals. 24th National Conference on Undergraduate Research. University of Montana. Missoula, MT. April 15-17, 2010.
J. Beck, M.L. Larsen, and A. Clark (2010). Direct Imaging of Raindrop Impacts. 120th Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences. Nebraska Wesleyan University, April 23, 2010.
B. Fullerton, M.L. Larsen, and A. Clark (2010). Filter paper based disdrometer. 120th Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences. Nebraska Wesleyan University, April 23, 2010.
K. Smydra and M.L. Larsen (2010). Development of an acoustical raindrop disdrometer. 120th Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences. Nebraska Wesleyan University. April 23, 2010.
G. Saltzgaber and M.L. Larsen (2010). Wavelet inspired analysis of discrete atmospheric data. 120th Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences. Nebraska Wesleyan University. April 23, 2010.
2009 (UNK)
K. Smydra, B. Fullerton, and M.L. Larsen (2009). Development of cost-effective techniques for measuring rainfall on a drop-by-drop basis. 11th Annual Student Research Day. University of Nebraska at Kearney. March 25, 2009.
M. Noffke and M.L. Larsen (2009). Analysis of rainfall events from summer of 2008. UNK 11th Annual Student Research Day. March 25, 2009.
G. Saltzgaber and M.L. Larsen (2009). Scaling properties of rainfall accumulation. UNK 11th Annual Student Research Day. March 25, 2009.
A. Steele, M.L. Larsen, and A. Clark (2009). Development of a JOGL visualizer for a radiative transfer numerical computation. UNK 11th Annual Student Research Day. March 25, 2009.
M. Noffke and M.L. Larsen (2009). Characterizing sub-pixel properties in the rain field. 23rd National Conference on Undergraduate Research. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. April 16-18, 2009.
G. Saltzgaber and M.L. Larsen (2009). Rainfall analyses. 23rd National Conference on Undergraduate Research. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. April 16-18, 2009.
J. Stromer, M.L. Larsen, and L. Kreminska (2009). Polarizing efficiency of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals under differing temperature and concentration conditions. UNK Fall Student Research Symposium. October 25, 2009.
2008 (UNK)
G. Saltzgaber and M.L. Larsen (2008). Rain distribution. UNK 10th Annual Student Research Day. April 1, 2008.
A. Steele, M.L. Larsen, and A. Clark (2008). Light propagation through clouds using a Monte-Carlo simulation. UNK 10th Annual Student Research Day. April 1, 2008.
M. Noffke and M.L. Larsen (2008). A rain gauge array at Rowe Sanctuary designed to study multiscaling properties. UNK Physics Student Research Day. April 29, 2008.
G. Saltzgaber and M.L. Larsen (2008). Construction of a dense rain gauge array. UNK Physics Student Research Day Presentation. April 29, 2008.
A. Steele, M.L. Larsen, and A. Clark (2008). Monte-carlo computational methods for solving the 3d radiative transfer through correlated media problem. UNK Physics Student Research Day. April 29, 2008.
M. Noffke and M.L. Larsen (2008). Characterization of sub-pixel variation in the great plains. 12th Annual Conference of the High Plains Chapter of NWA/AMS. Hays, Kansas. September 3-4, 2008.
M. Noffke and M.L. Larsen (2008). Characterization of sub-pixel variation in the great plains. Fall Symposium of the 2008 Summer Student Research Program. September 12, 2008.
M. Noffke and M.L. Larsen (2008). Rainfall analysis at a Nebraska site. UNK SciMath Colloquium. November 6, 2008.
G. Saltzgaber and M.L. Larsen (2008). Rainfall analysis at a Nebraska site. UNK SciMath Colloquium. November 6, 2008.
A. Steele, M.L. Larsen, and A. Clark (2008). Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere. UNK Sci-Math Colloquium. November 6, 2008.
19 May 2023